The world economy is in the trash bin and the idiots that caused it are now telling us how to get out of it. They’ve been trying for centuries and so far all they’ve managed to do with any consistency is line theirs and their friends’ pockets.
Now I’m no expert on the economy, but then nor are they. They, on the one hand are proven failures, I, on the other, am an unknown quantity. So for what it’s worth, here is my very simple plan.
We come out of Europe, saving us over £75 billion a year.
Told you it was simple but then the best ideas often are. And if the rest of Europe did the same, we could all put our own houses in order. This wont clear the £1.1 trillion we’ll owe by 2011, but at least it will pay the £42.2 billion annual interest and knock a fair chunk off the arrears, and the more that comes off the arrears the less in interest we’ll pay the following year; allowing the government to spend on health, education and tax cuts rather than their present policy of making us pay for theirs and the banks mistakes: No need for 20% VAT and mass public sector job cuts and probable Poll Tax rises; my way, no one gets hurt and everyone wins, except corrupt politicians and EU officials. But I think we can all live with that one!
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