Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Google---Just Another Casualty of War

Google have just sent me a letter of suppression.

Not that's how they would see it, but suppression it clearly is. Let me explain.

I received in my inbox today an 'Important Notice' which informed me that while the war goes on in Ukraine, Google will pause monitization of any content that exploits, dismisses, or condones the war.

So suppression. 

You may not like the opinions of those who do some, or all of these things, but by doing and saying what they do, they often shed light into the dark corners where 'they' do not want you to look.

Google then go on to say, in what can only be described as an act of breathtaking arrogance, that they will not tolerate claims that Ukraine is committing genocide or deliberately attacking its own citizens, two things that have not only been proven to be true, but proven to have been carried out by the Neo-Nazis that the Ukraine government have absorbed into their own army.

We've all known that Google, like the other social media giants, has been complicit in peddling the new world orders' lies and deceit, and for years have been acting like a giant leaflet-dropping campaign for the vile, putrid, string-pulling entities that hide behind secret government funding. But they used to at least to try and hide behind a veil-thin facade of openness and honesty.

But now, just like the dictators that rule, own, and control them, they've come out from behind the blinds of complicity and are as openly brazen as their war-mongering pay-masters in their duplicitous suppression of anything they don't want us to see or hear.

This strong-arm tactic only affects those who rely on Google Ads to aid their meager incomes while they take to social media platforms like TikTok, Youtube, and Blogger. These people, who you may or may not agree with, sometimes have very valid points and evidence to back them up, but now with Google's new draconian approach to the suppression of the truth and honesty, they will have to think twice about putting up that post, or any other like it. This means you and I will be denied a second opinion; a look at the other side to the argument and will continue to be fed the fodder from the usual suspects.

Now this account is run by Google, and I've mentioned their name enough times through this article to get right under their alien, slimy skin and will probably get booted off the platform. But while I am still here, and not under their jack-booted feet, I hope even a few of you see what they are doing and how utterly sickening these corporate lickspittles are.

The first casualty of war, so they say, is the truth. But in today's world of lies, deceit, and moral decay, the truth has sadly bypassed triage and been sent home in a body bag.


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