Monday, 16 May 2011

Main Beamers

This is a note to all those born again bikers...SWITCH YOUR ******* LIGHTS OFF DURING THE DAY.

I have no idea what it is that possesses these dick heads to drive around in broad daylight with their lights on full beam. Do they think we can't see them? If they do then they're delusional---how can we miss them as the come around a blind corner at five million miles an hour, overtaking a Lamborghini doing warp factor seven!

I mean to say, I know they leave their brains in their arse pocket when they get on these super powered death machines, but even a modicum of common sense would tell you that when its broad daylight and you can see as far as the horizon, you don't need your head lights on.

I've even asked the odd biker I've met through my day-to-day ramblings why the do it. And do you know, without exception they all just smile in that condescending of theirs and walk off, removing the colony of dead flies from their teeth as they go.

But the misuse of the main beam phenomenon is not just reserved for born again pillocks, oh no, its also for car drivers to...or should I say, a certain kind of car driver.

I'm not saying that I've seen cars driving around in broad daylight with their lights on main beam, and even if I did I would just assume he or she had forgotten to dip them when they parked up the previous night, or that they'd hit the main beam switch by accident; either way, a quick flash of my lights would have the situation  rectified. No, the idiots I'm referring to are the ones who drive around, at night, in the middle of well lit areas with their lights on main beam.

Not only is it stupid, but it's also against the highway code. If you are one of those people, I just ask that next time you get into your car and the street lights are on---do a little experiment. Put you lights on dip, have a good look around then put them BRIEFLY onto main beam and see what difference it makes. I can almost guarantee you, and this does not make me a magician or a clairvoyant when I say this, but I guarantee you that there will be no difference what so ever. So stop doing it, knob heads, its annoying as it pisses me off... big time.

Speaking of experiments I have another idea. Why don't they cross check all the pillocks who drive through well lit areas at night with their lights on main beam and the born again knob heads who light up our roads in the day when the world is at its brightest and see if we have a connecting factor. My advanced conclusion on this experiment will not come as a surprise when I say that I believe they will find that the pillocks in the cars have a big fuck off death trap machines in their garage, just waiting to drive around the roads where I live.

Now I'm not the worlds most perfect driver, but I pride myself on being a good, fair and a considerate one, and if my mate Steve says any thing to the contrary, ignore him, he's a truck driver and you really don't want to get me started on that particular rage.

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